5 (More!) Ways Your Executive Assistant Can Make Your Life Easier


One of the most common questions we get asked is, "What can an executive assistant do for me?" 

The truthful (but now always helpful) answer is . . . a whole bunch of stuff. 

Honestly, an excellent executive assistant can become an invaluable part of the team that picks up the ball where it is often dropped. From day-to-day tasks that feel like they're overtaking your life to more significant roles that you're happy to hand off, an executive assistant's goal is to make your life easier and more productive in small (and huge!) increments. 

We put together a list of five tasks your executive assistant can handle to get your brain thinking about ways you could be saving time. 

1 – Minute Keeping and Note-Taking During Meetings 

Nowadays, we spend most of our meetings on Zoom or telephone calls – many of which are recorded. While it's great to look back at exactly what happened, it's so much easier to have a thoughtful recap to look at. Well-trained EAs know precisely how to look for and capture important details and make sure to follow up with the parties who need to be looped in. Your EA can also take a recorded meeting and have it transcribed, create a file for future reference, and send it to anyone who needs a copy. 

2 – Research and Report Creation

One of the best things about a great EA is how detail-focused and curious they are – always searching for new ways to clean up and streamline systems. Handing off research projects and creating a report based on the findings is just one small but mighty way your EA can give you back your time. And because they're so organized, you know their conclusions will be in an easy-to-digest and thorough format. Handoff everything from product and market research to influencer research to travel research (for your next vacation!) and everything in between. 

3 – Office Knower-of-All-the-Things

Okay, so maybe this isn't an official job title, but after working with you for a while – managing and implementing systems, creating workflows, organizing inboxes, doing research, taking notes, and nearly a million other things – your EA will know what's going on in your business. And that means they're an invaluable resource for answering questions about the branding guidelines or how a specific communication SOP works. It also means you can trust your EA with sensitive details about upcoming moves or changes in employment. Your EA will likely be helping with the paperwork on that front anyway. You'll be glad to have one person you can trust with all the ins and outs of your company. 

And, at Lisa & Co., our EAs are trained in trust and confidentiality. Your business stays in your business. 

4 – Committee Head

This one isn't always discussed, but it's a role your EA can take on. Having your EA head up a group like the holiday parties committee or the we-need-to-make-an-effort-to-wish-everyone-a-happy-birthday committee, or the office culture committee is a great way to make sure you know what's going on and that things actually get done. EAs act as a liaison for executive leadership at those meetings and contribute valuable experience and organization to new committees or groups that only meet once or a quarter. As keepers of the calendar, they'll know when to schedule events or parties and will plan, organize, and execute like it's their job (because, you know, it is). 

5 – Preparing Keynotes and Presentations

Remember earlier when we talked about your EA taking notes at meetings and knowing #AllTheThings and heading committees? How their hands (and, more importantly, brains!) are helping with most aspects of your business? That makes them the perfect person to help put together important presentations. They know what the goal of the keynote is and what important things to include. Whether it's a company-wide presentation, a meeting with stakeholders, or a presentation for potential investors or clients, your EA can help plan a phenomenal keynote that looks great and gets your point across. And if you'd rather hire that job out to a freelancer or designer, your EA can find and book that person, too. It's a win no matter which way you look at it. 

Ready for an EA to take all the little things (that eat up BIG chunks of time) off your plate?


A Note From Founder Lisa Nicholls


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