Meet the Lisa & Co. Team


Back in May, I shared a bit of my story and why I decided to found Execly (FKA Lisa and Co.). This business means so much to me, and I love giving our clients an incredible experience. 

That said, it's not just me! We have an incredible team of people that serve our clients as executive assistants. (If we're being honest, they're more than executive assistants. They're timekeepers and savers, problem fixers, peace of mind givers, and so much more!) 

So, today I'd love for you to meet the team! 


First up, Lennie!

Lennie hails from Idaho and, if that makes you think of the open country, you're exactly right. Lennie's family owns a ranch, and she helps out by gathering, sorting, and branding calves. They're a close-knit bunch who love spending time together hunting, fishing, skiing, and camping. 

Lennie is a fantastic team player for Lisa & Co. (even voted Most School Spirit in high school!), but her clients love her for her problem-solving skills. She is definitely the person you want in your corner when a business emergency comes up! 


Another of our team members that loves the outdoors is Marilyn.

She lives in beautiful Colorado and loves playing golf, watching movies, and singing loudly in an obnoxious voice for all her family to enjoy and admire. She's also a travel lover and Texas Longhorns fan. 

Our clients are her biggest fans because she is the queen of anticipating all their needs. As a result, she can juggle projects and plan a fantastic business trip or family vacation. 


If our next team member was going on vacation, it would be to Hawaii – hands down.

Deb is an Oregonian who spends her free time DIYing her house and hanging with family – playing games, watching sports, and cooking. Her favorite food is anything her husband cooks (kidding, mostly). But if she really had to choose, chocolate is her final answer.

We love Deb because she has an incredible knack for solving hidden, costly problems. In addition, she's a whiz with words and brings joy and a commitment of excellence to every project. 


Joy is a built-in quality of our next team member (with accolades to prove it).

Mariah is from Wisconsin, and it's no surprise her high school superlative was "Best Smile" (I was going to make a joke about her superlative and Wisconsin as the cheese capital of the state, but I'll refrain.) She loves spending time with her family, fishing, riding their side-by-side, and hanging out at Michigan beaches. The way to her heart with through street tacos (don't forget the onions and cilantro). 

Our clients love her because she is super organized and detail-oriented, thanks to her time in the Navy. 


Our last (but not least) team member has a military connection, too.

Meet Sarah. Hailing from Tennessee, Sarah is a foodie specializing in waffles, Asian food (salute to you, General Tso), and PBs (hold the J). Her significant other diffuses bombs for the Navy, but that doesn't stop her from telling their friends about the cute little voice he uses to talk to their French Bulldog. 

We love Sarah for her impeccable research skills, her knack for managing social media accounts, and her ability to clean up an inbox in no time flat. 

We love the team here at Lisa & Co. and look forward to bringing on even more service-focused team members.

Our joy is serving our clients and helping them accomplish what matters. And, yeah, we have a great time doing it, too!


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